4.0 HP AC COMMERCIAL DRIVEThis high-torque, brushless AC speed motor is dynamically spin-balanced and extensively tested for superior performance in vibration and noise—making it the performance motor of choice.
0 – 15% INCLINE CONTROLIncline controls make it simple to change the incline to reduce impact on joints, burn more calories and add workout variety.
0 – 12 MPH SPEED CONTROLThe easy-to-understand, 1-STEP™ Speed Controls give you instant response and immediate action.
ELECTRONIC READOUTSOn this console you will see your speed, time, incline, distance, vertical feet, pace, calories burned, calories burned per hour and heart rate.
STAY CONNECTEDA convenient USB charging port, 3.5 mm audio out, and TV input keep devices charged and the entertainment streaming.
SET A GOAL WORKOUT CENTERStick to your goals. Enter your desired workout time, how far you want to go or how many calories you want to burn and the machine won't stop until you've reached your workout goal.
PRESET PROGRAMSSet a Goal Workout Center (Time, Distance, Calories)
4 Weight Loss
4 Heart Rate
4 Speed Interval
2 Race Training
4 Incline
Fitness Tests- Army, Navy, USMC, USAF, WFI, Bruce, Gerkin, PEB
PERSONAL ENTERTAINMENTEntertainment capabilities make the workout experience even better. Add an optional 15.6 in (39 cm) Personal HDTV Screen.