Booma Rein
No More Lost Reins!
Booma Rein is a new innovation that will keep your horse reins coming back! The Booma Rein is made of a durable and flexible polyproplyene and is adjustable, so it will fit any horse and accommodate any rider. No matter what type of riding you do, a Booma Rein will make your ride safer, more convenient and more enjoyable! You'll always have a peace of mind knowing you can't lose the reins.
How Booma Reins work:
The Booma tethers the reins to the pommel/swell on the saddle, so no matter what, they will always be within reach. It attaches with an O-ring (included) for trail riding, training or every day riding. The O-ring can be removed so that you can attach directly to the rein for barrel racing and other high-intensity riding.
For more information pertaining to how the Booma Rein works, please view video below: